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Great start to the 2015 Show Season at the March Brownwood Show!

Lots of Champions, Reserves and great ribbons for everyone! Lauren , Natalie and Grace all moved up to new divisions and some on new horses too!

New Additions for a New Show Season! Can't wait to have fun with these new horses and pony and looking forward to all the wonderful rides to come!

Congratulations to Grace Johnson on the purchase of your new horse Resolute! & We wish Asa Spades best of luck with his new family in Knoxville, TN!

purchase of Will She or Won't She!

Congratulations to Allie Gauthier on the

Congratulations to Lauren Domenico on the lease of Zhivago!

Congrats to all the CCF Girls for a great 2014 show season & Great Job at GHJA Finals!!!

Grace Johnson & Asa Spades--GHJA 6th place Schooling Pony Hunter 

Lauren Domenico & Makloud--GHJA 3rd place Medium Pony Hunter Div.

Natalie Barnes & Ben Jammin--GHJA Reserver Champion Long Stirrup Eq. & 4th place Long stirrup Hunter 

Sabrina Townsend & Remington Steele--GHJA 5th place Long Stirrup Hunter and 7th place Long Stirrup Eq.

Congratulations on a great 2013 show season!!!

Georgia Hunter Jumper Association (GHJA) End-of-Year Placings:

Natalie Barnes and Ben Jammin--Champion Long Stirrup Hunter Div. and Reserve Champion Long Stirrup Equitation

Lauren Domenico and Makloud--Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Hunter Div., Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Equitation & Reserve Champion 11 & under Equitation

Rose Dillon and Sugarbrook Bodie Blue--Champion Schooling Pony Hunter Div., Champion Large Pony Hunter Div. & Champion 11 & under Equitation

Horse Show Ventures Banquet 

(Above) CCF Girls at HSV Awards Banquet for 2013 Show Season!

Congrats to all the CCF girls on their Horse Show Ventures End-of-Year Placings:

Allie Gauthier & Goody Blue Shoes--Champion Mini Hunter Div., Champion Schooling Hunter Div. & Champion Pre-Short/Long Stirrup Equitation

Sabrina Townsend & Breakfast at Tiffany's & Remington Steele-- Reserve Champion Pre-Short/Long Stirrup Equitation, 3rd place Schooling Hunter Div., 4th place Mini Hunter Div., 5th place Walk/Trot Div., 3rd place Crossrail Hunter Div.

Grace Johnson & Asa Spades--Champion Children's Pony Equitation, 4th place Schooling Hunter Div.

Lauren Domenico & Makloud--Champion Short Stirrup Hunter Div., Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Equitation, Reserve Champion 11 & Under Equitation

Jayme Morton & Hole in One & The Black Dahlia--3rd & 5th Place Schooling Pony Hunter Div., Reserve Champion & 3rd Place Pony Hunter Div. and 4th Place 11 & Under Equitation

Natalie Barnes & Ben Jammin--Champion Long Stirrup Hunter Div., Champion Long Stirrup Equitation & Reserve Champion Schooling Hunter Div.

Rose Dillon & Sugarbrook Bodie Blue--Champion Schooling Pony Hunter Div., Champion Pony Hunter Div., Champion 11 & Under Equitation, Reserve Champion Open Hunter Div., 5th Place Pre-Child/Adult Hunter Div.

Rose & Bodie also received the 2013 Hunter High Point award, the Pony Hunter High Point Award and the Equitation High Point Award

Courtney received the 2013 Trainer Award!

CCF Moms at the HSV Banquet!

What a great weekend at HSV at Wills Park! Even in the pouring rain!

Everyone was Champion or Reserve or both on both Saturday and Sunday! Too many great ribbons to list. 1sts and 2nds in Schooling Pony and Pony Hunter Classics, Long Stirrup and Short Stirrup Classics!

Freezing Cold/Windy weekend at the GA Tech Benefit at GIHP in Conyers, but very successful! Great start to the 2013 show season!

Lauren and Makloud had beautiful trips in Short Stirrup and 11 & Under Eq. 1st in Short Stirrup Eq. on the flat and 1st in 11& under o/f. Reserve Champion in Short Stirrup Hunter Division!!!

Rose and Bodie won many o/f trips in both Schooling Pony Div. and Large Pony Div. winning Champion in both divisions both days!!!!  

The barn girls in their CCF jackets!

Congratulations Rose and Bodie ---Elite Show Jumping end-of-year Champion 11 & Under Equitation and Schooling Pony Div.

Lauren Domenico and Rose Dillon

Rose, Lauren & Grace at GHJA Banquet January 2013

We all had a great time at the GHJA Banquet! Congrats Bodie and Rose--Champion Schooling Pony Hunter Div. and Champion 11 & Under Equitation!

4-H Halls Co. Show at Chicopee Woods

We had a great time at the 4-H schooling Show at Chicopee!

Lauren and her new pony Makloud won two 1sts in Open Pleasure and Champion! Also won the Short Stirrup flat class and 4th and 5th o/f out of 14. What a great first show for you two can't wait to see you guys in Short Stirrup 2013 show season!

Rose and Bodie had awesome trips in the 2'6'' Div. and beautiful flat classes too with a clean sweep of the division winning all 4 classes and Champion!

Rose and Trixie were 1st and 2nd in the Open Pleasure Div. Trixie was such a good girl and looked beautiful with her blinding clean tail (good job Rose).

Brenin went to his first show just to hang out and was such a SUPER STAR! What a good boy, can't wait to see you turn into the show pony we know you are!

Katherine and Harry were 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the Open Pleasure Division. They looked great and Harry was wonderful! We are so happy Harry is making a comeback after a puzzling injury a couple years ago and a year of stall rest and months of rehab. Also fun to have Katherine back at the shows with us.

Congratulations to all CCF Riders on a successful 2012 Show Season!

Special Congrats to the following riders for their GHJA End-Of-Year


Lauren Domenico---9th in Short Stirrup Eq. , 12th in 11 & Under Eq. , 14th Short Stirrup Hunter Div.

Grace Johnson---9th in 11 & Under Eq. , 15th in Short Stirrup Eq., 18th Short Stirrup Hunter Div.

Rose Dillon---- Champion Schooling Pony Div. and Champion 11 & Under Equitation

Rose and Sugarbrook Bodie Blue

GHJA 2012 Schooling Pony Hunter Div. Champion and 11 & Under Equitation Champion

2012 GHJA Finals

Grace and Asa Spades did great for their first time competing at GHJA Local Finals and Ace looked so handsome all braided up! They received some good ribbons over fences in Schooling Pony and Short Stirrup.

Rose and Bodie qualified for the Schooling Pony Derby, Pony Hunter Derby, GHJA Pony Medal Finals and the Hunter Under Saddle Invitational with 3rd in Schooling Pony o/f, 2nd U/S, 3rd o/f in Large Pony Div. and 1st U/S as well as 7th o/f in 11 & Under Equitation.

Sorry Lauren wasn't able to participate since Gracey Grace fractured her splint bone but luckily Grace is recovering well and Lauren has a new wonderful pony named Makloud!

Another long but GREAT weekend at HSV!

Sabrina & Grace were Reserve Champion in W/T/C and had beautiful trips over Crossrails 1x/2x

Rose & Bodie were Reserve Champion in Schooling Pony and Champion in Pony Hunters! Also 1st and 2nd in 11 & under Eq. as well as 2nd in Schooling Pony Classic and 4th in Pony Hunter Classic

Lauren & Grace received good ribbons in Short Stirrup and 11 & under Eq.

Grace also received 4th in the Short Stirrup Classic!

Alli & Elvis received 1sts and 2nds in Mini Hunter and Pre-Short/Long Div. both days winning Champion and Reserve Champion both days (at her 1st show ever) !

The CCF Barn Show was a success, though a little cool and windy (as usual)! We had a lot of first timers and everyone had a blast!

H J Fox Finale Show at GIHP in Conyers

Rose & Bodie had a great weekend winning Reserve Champion in Schooling pony and competing in the Large Pony Div. for only the second time showing over 2'9'' They also won the GHJA Pony Medal for the first time!

Rose & Bodie at HJ Fox-10/21/12

Elite Show Jumping Finals

Another successful weekend........

Sabrina & Grace had a great weekend! Top ribbons in W/T/C and Crossrails 1x/2x and were Champion on Saturday!!!

Lauren & Kassidy had a great day in Short Stirrup! 1st and 2nd and Reserve Champion!

Rose & Bodie had beautiful trips in Schooling pony and won the flat! They also had a BEAUTIFUL winning trip in 11 & under Equitation over fences!

Lauren, Courtney, Bodie & Rose       

Lauren & Kassidy at ESJ Finals

Lauren and Rose had a great day at the Falcon Ridge Stables Show!

Kassidy was such a good boy for his first time showing in Short Stirrup! Lauren got 3rds in Equitation and won the hunter flat!

Rose and Bodie were cruzin' doing the horse steps over the 2'6'' and were Reserve Champion in Schooling Pony!

Cheryl & Co. Series 2012 End-Of-Year awards!!!

Rose and Bodie--Champion Schooling Pony

Rebecca-Joy with April and Kassidy---Champion W/T/C Div. and Reserve Champion Crossrails 1x/2x

Isabelle and Dynamite-- Reserve Champion Mini Hunter Div.

Natalie and Ben--Reserve Champion Crossrail Hunter Div.

Thanks to Cheryl & Co. for a great show season and looking forward to 2013!

Another Great Weekend!!!!

Cheryl & Co. at Wills Park had a great turn-out and fabulous riding weather! So Sorry Lauren was sick and missed out.

Natalie and Ben had an awesome weekend! 1st and 2nd over fences numerous times and top 3 in every hack and 1st and 2nd in Equitation too! Champions and Reserve both days! You two have made such tremendous progress in just a few shows!

Rose and Bodie were successful over the 2'6'' again! 2nd and 3rd over fences in HUGE company and rode a very challenging Handy Hunter round beautifully! 1st in 11 & under both days!

Grace and Ace had a lot of success in Short Stirrup both Equitation and Hunters! 2nd in Eq. over fences and 3rd in hunter out of nice company! Also, rode a beautiful Handy Hunter round choosing more advanced options throughout the course!

Rebecca-Joy and Kassidy were cute as a button and the judges thought so too! Kassidy couldn't have been better and Rebecca-Joy cantered her courses for the first time at a show! 1st and 2nd every time in walk/trot and walk/trot/canter both days as well as winning the X-rails under saddle out of a large group both days. 1st and 2nd over fences as well and 3 Chamions and Reserve for the weekend!

***Looking forward to Cheryl & Co. End-of-Year Ribbons***

We had a fun and LONG weekend at Horse Show Ventures last weekend!

Congrats to everyone!

Sabrina's first horse show! She did such a great job and got 2nds and 3rds in Crossrails. Looking forward to the next show!

Grace was Reserve Champion in 11 & Under and 4th in the Short Stirrup Classic!

Lauren was 1st in Short Stirrup Eq. on the Flat and 3rd over fences and did an awesome job getting around 11 & Under courses for the first time with JJ too!

Rose and Bodie were Champion and Reserve Champion in 11 & under Sat. and Sun. as well as being Reserve Champion in Schooling pony both days and looked "fancy" in her shadbelly for the first time!

Congratulations to all the girls that competed at Elite Show Jumping Sept 1-2. We had such a great time and everyone did Awesome!

Rose and Bodie were Champion in Schooling pony! 1st in 11 & Under Equitation and had beautiful trips over the 2'6'' Yay Rose and Bodie!

Grace and Ace were 1st and 2nd in Short Stirrup Eq. and 11 & Under Eq. and received top ribbons in good company in Short Stirrup Hunter as well!

Lauren and JJ competed in Short Stirrup for the first time with great success! Good job Lauren, we were all so proud of you and had so much fun cheering you guys on!

 Can't wait for this weekend at Horse Show Ventures!!!!!!

Good Luck girls!!!!!!

Rose at GHJA Banquet 2011

Rose, Courtney & Lauren at The Bolshoi Benefit 2012

1030 Roper Rd. Canton, GA 30115           770-401-7754

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